Principled Leadership
“There is no such thing as chance; and what seems to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.”
Friedrich von Schiller, poet, playwright and philosopher

Troy Anderson’s Biography
A Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, #1 bestselling FaithWords/Hachette and Chosen Books co-author, and former executive editor at Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News, Troy is the founder and editor in chief of the Inspire Literary Group. He and his team of bestselling authors, ghostwriters, book editors and screenwriters co-author, ghostwrite and edit books for faith and military leaders, celebrities, experts in various fields and people from all walks of life. Troy’s clients’ books are mostly purchased by imprints of the Big Five (Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House, and Simon & Schuster) publishing houses, as well as mid-sized publishers.
Troy writes or has written for Reuters, Newsmax, Townhall, Christianity Today, Charisma, Human Events, National Wildlife, Consumers Digest, The American Spectator, The New American,, Outreach, Flag & Cross, BizPac Review and other media outlets. Troy’s stories have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and San Jose Mercury-News too.
He specializes in faith, politics, investigative reporting, entertainment, and business. Troy is co-author of the #1 FaithWords/Hachette bestsellers The Babylon Code (October 2015) and Trumpocalypse (January 2018) and the #1 Chosen Books bestsellers The Military Guide to Armageddon (January 2021) and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception (August 2022). He’s also co-author of the upcoming books, Revelation 911 (Salem Books), co-authored with Pastor Paul Begley, and Your Mission in God’s Army (Chosen Books), co-authored with Col. David Giammona, that will be released in April 2024. Revelation 911 recently became a #1 “Hot New Release” on Amazon, months before its official release. Anderson’s book, The Babylon Code, is in development as a feature film. A graduate of the Act One and Movieguide screenwriting programs, Troy and his team also write screenplays, treatments, beat sheets, and one-sheets for films and/or TV series.
During his 30-year career in journalism, Troy has won more than two dozen local, state, and national writing awards, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for a series of foster care stories that contributed to “revolutionary” national reforms and was featured as an investigative reporter in The McGraw-Hill book, Careers for Puzzle-Solvers & Other Methodical Thinkers. A magazine he wrote a series of articles for – Rebel – won 2011 and 2012 Eddie Awards (FOLIO: magazine’s prestigious journalism award). As executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media (five million readers), Charisma Media won two 2015 Charlie Awards (Florida Magazine Association’s top award), and two 2015 FOLIO: Eddie Awards’ honorable mentions.
He is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the nation’s premier organization of independent nonfiction writers who have met ASJA’s exacting standards of professional achievement. He is also a member of the Association of Ghostwriters, Investigative Reporters & Editors and Gotham Ghostwriters, a network of over 3,200 of the nation’s premier ghostwriters who have written hundreds of bestsellers for globally known public figures and celebrities. Anderson is represented by two of the nation’s top literary agencies whose authors have sold hundreds of millions of books, some of which have been turned into major feature films and television series.
Troy is honored to be the descendant of poet, playwright and philosopher Friedrich von Schiller who wrote the poem Ode to Joy that Ludwig van Beethoven set to music in Symphony No. 9, now the anthem of the European Union. Schiller also wrote the plays The Robbers, Maria Stuart, Wilhelm Tell, Wallenstein, The Maid of Orleans and Don Carlos, an inspiration for George Lucas’ Star Wars films. A European television audience recently voted Schiller the greatest playwright in Europe after William Shakespeare.